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1980³â 7¿ù~1981³â 4¿ù 22ÀϱîÁö 25ƯÀü´ë
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010-3053-0052 ¹Ú³ë¿ø »ç¹ü ¿Ã¸².^^
Start to serve the true TGMS martial arts merit.
It's been a long time
since I got used to the word "half."
It's time for the word martial arts to form
every single time with the body.
Hinge clouds hang in the history of TGMS martial arts
As if to hide the sun and describe it beautifully...
Let's distort the truth
and use our disciples to find out
if they're self-interested.
I think it is time to guide out the distorted Chinese characters
in the history of TGMS martial arts.
Today is a very grateful day to meet Commander Lee Jung-kyun
of the 25th Airborne Brigade
at the time of the development of the TGMS martial art.
He was gentle and proud,
and he seemed healthy because he lost weight.
He's a young, pretty-looking man
who helped develop special martial arts development.
I was sorry to go to the police academy as an instructor.
I was sorry that you remembered me in detail,
but I've been so sorry to see you.
The proposal for the title of TGMS martial arts
and the entire 15 districts of the 25th
Special Warfare Battalion demonstrated
at the Army Headquarters’ training ground
to become a military martial art
and an army TGMS martial art
25th Special Forces from July 1980 to April 22, 1981.
I want you to contact me if you work for the 15th District
8 201 International Association of Special Public Affairs,
39-gil, Baekje Ancient Tombs in Songpa-gu, Seoul
010-3053-0052 Master Park No-won.^^

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(To deal with and accept all for the sake of new one to give birth to. Teuk Gong!)

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