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Is the flow of the world and martial arts constant velocity?

an unknown world, such as an invisible black one.
the reality of the world that looks like a Hin-White.

Right and wrong for martial artists, the world today.
The World of Inner and Outdoor Space in Martial Arts
Martialism is caused in everyday life.

Undo it under the special-purpose wrist technique.
Stretch out your hand a
nd tilt the center axis 2 - overpower your waist
and legs and attack with your fist.
Push back and back your feet and press down on your knees.

When a martial artist's happiness appears in his everyday life,
he checks his way and responds with a smile.^^

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Visit Gasan Temple of the Korean Buddhist Jogye Order,
located in Eumseong,
North Chungcheong Province.^^

When I go out on a holiday,
I share my thoughts by driving on a road with a wide view
and dividing the feeling of the seasons
into the sounds of nature
and the stories of man through the windows.

on the uphill path like a dragon's.
The majestic energy has entered the Great Hall.
Buddhist Martial Society Education Center
We met with the party a
t the guidance of the head of the Gyeongcheonwon.

Hundreds of years of sculptures told us
the meaning of time and space.
The tea flavor keeps the heart warm and clear.

The special sword,
the center of gravity and the wave of the waves,
shows that it is a sword that trains the mind for many years.

What ideas and methods did martial artists
and sailors in the chaotic era of modern martial arts
and war think?

It promised in March to share the circumstances of how the monks
and soldiers and martial artists used their ideas and methods

His early years of martial arts training and various martial arts
A foreign country and to learn a lot of experience
in a strong applause in the cities.
send a combination of martial arts centers^^

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It's a winter-like minus 12 degrees today.

The season has to play its role according to the season,
so that the year and the year after will be safe
and peaceful for the whole people.

Enjoy some photos of martial arts and TGMS martial arts.

It is the season to open the painting door
and show your face to learn the basic skills of the TGMS martial arts.

In the summer heat,
strong muscles improve their technique,
and sweat drops enhance their technique.

Autumn is the best demonstration suit applied to the situation,
and the TGMS martial arts co-exist with applause.

In winter, with a cup of warm tea,
anger and greed are wrapped
in the energy of the TGMS martial arts training.

Every martial artist is happy to be in good health
every moment with gestures of mind and body.^^

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I think about it for the morning exercise holiday.

Due to the influence of the Wuhan Closure,
outdoor activities are temporarily required to be cancelled

The gentle voice of the ward office in charge of living
and sports was more frightening than the strong winds of winter
and the great solitude even stimulated the spirit
and peripheral nerves

The power of the new coronavirus is to prevent or thwart many things
and to affect life and the economy.

The word "prepared prevention" is more appropriate for responding to
what is behind than what is shown.

It's hard to imagine how much
it's possible to live with the world's variables.
What's the secret of a good life?
A warm spring breeze will make it normal.
All of us, fighting!!!

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(To deal with and accept all for the sake of new one to give birth to. Teuk Gong!)


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