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Today's TGMS martial arts class is attached...

I'm still hesitating months
after I made up my mind to start YouTube this year.

In the meantime,
I have tried to do things for others by posting writings
and pictures on Facebook and the result is a mirror that reflects on me
and reflects on my inner self.

Yesterday, while coaching TGMS martial arts training,
there was something that embarrassed me.
The technology we were trying to obtain
from our research has come naturally.

If you look closely at the circle, room and angle,
you will find that each and every one of them is all.
Looking at the circle, room, and angle at a glance,

It is hard to tell if they are big or small.
I can see the circle, the room,

and the angle of the room in a moment,
and all the people in a circle stay at the same place.

Photographs, writings, and images are one
according to vision, feeling, and thought.
(That's it.)

I feel like I'm losing my temper after a long time,
and I have a smile around my mouth and a peppermint all over me.
Pebook may be a diary of performance. ^^

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A meeting of acquaintances,
not a tale of futility,
but a world of reality.

The meeting between Lee Kwang-yeol,
the head of the Korea Ship Swords Association,
and Dr. Kim Doo-sup,
the head of the Korea Institute of Arts,
and Park No-won,
the president of the Army Martial Arts Association.

As if eating every day,
the sweatdrops of the training camp are treasures and happiness,
and the years when I ran to the front have reached
the age of mid-60s.
I think it is time to discuss the future of martial arts.

Discussed the exact history of martial arts
and the welfare of martial artists and the feasibility.

These issues are shared
and should be expanded to include the duties,
responsibilities and rights of martial artists
It's late,

but I think we need a firm commitment to make it happen.

I've been practicing martial arts all my life,
and I've been studying life and martial arts.
When I share affection with others,

the teachings come into my heart.

Congratulations on
the development of the technique of great strength
and crushing through the breath of Choi Dae-pyo.
Mr. Lee is betting his future on epidemiology.

I'm happy with him.
Dr. Kim is not swayed by fame and money

and respects his consistent mind.
I would like to make something worthwhile

by stitching the beads myself

I wish you all the best in your martial art,
and good-bye,
looking forward to the day
when you make a big effort.^^

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look back at the time machine 19 years ago in pictures

Ethiopia is a country famous for its chocolate skin
and Olympic marathon barefoot Abebe is a beautiful country.

Recalling Park No-won, a Korean with a quiet,
gloomy feeling in the streets amid the chaos of the world.

1991 in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital.
When we arrive,

we open the seal under the name of Park Marshall Training Company.
Thank you then Minister of Culture and Sports and Colonel Asrat,

and thank you to all your acquaintances for their help.

Addis Ababa's One Sobakbi relieves stress
and makes oxytose by nourishing the food.

Amboia rising from the ground opens
her chest and smiles on her face.

The giant cactus is the gill of the arboretum.
I gave beauty to many people deep in my heart.

I remember being happy with the criminals at this moment,
and I look forward to a peaceful day
as soon as I get rid of Corona 19.

To Kim Do Jin-beom
and martial arts leaders of the Korean national team,
I give them a big round of applause
and words of encouragement. ^^

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March 1, 1919 was the day
when the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed all over the world.

Recalling the Korean and U.S. Independent Literature today,
we will post the Daily Reed newspaper,
which introduced Korea's TGMS martial arts
in the village of Brockhaven, Mississippi, in 2010.

The passionate and curious eyes of Steve Kincaid,
the head of the Korean martial arts master, Hanmudo Master,
and the Hoewins still ring my heart.

After 10 years of acquiring the blue belt,
I can't help but smile at the news
that I've acquired the 4th level of TGMS martial arts.

We look forward to hearing the echo of TGMS martial arts
throughout the United States and wish you good health. ^^

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(To deal with and accept all for the sake of new one to give birth to. Teuk Gong!)


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